In the woods of the Meshomasic State Forest, Dickinson Road used to connect up to old Route 2 – Old New London Turnpike. Then, the new Route 2 was built and Dickinson Road was cut off with it, most of its purpose. Six houses still remain on the road – though one has been abandoned – along with a gravel pit.

Unlike other abandoned roads in town, Dickinson Road isn’t gated off and is still very drivable even for non-four wheel drive vehicles. But once it reaches the top of the hill, the road quickly deteriorates. Much of it has been washed out over the years. It has also become ones of many paths for dirt bikes and ATVs that cruise through the woods.

The road takes a sharp left and the old Zeke Road which ran parallel to old Route 2 to Marlborough intersects. Eventually, it comes to Route 2 where a guard rail goes across the road.

A short stretch of Dickinson Road can be picked up on the opposite side of Route 2. It cuts deep into the ground before turning, going over a small bridge and connecting to Old New London Turnpike. This part of the road has become very overgrown with young saplings growing right in the middle of it.

The town decided not to abandon the road along with 10 others in 1972, though it’s not clear when they decided to do so. It appears to be maintained up to where a few woods roads go off into private property.

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